Choosing the best alternative solution by a decision making technique AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) (Analitycal Hierarchy Process)
"I want to make a decision. Among several alternative solutions I want to choose the right one according to my own criteria. The one that is ideal for me, suitable for me and based on my own preferences. I want a simple selection process. I want to use a decision making method used by successful companies and institutions. I want a simple result image. I want a detailed scheme of intermediate results and indicators. Analytic Hierarchy Process (or Analytical Hierarchy Process) is the method I want to use in reaching my decision. I want it to be my choice, my decision.
AHP Calculator - ahpacus
? &saznajovdje=find+out+here
! &zelimkupiti=I+would+like+to+buy
... &alikoji=but+which+one
? &maligradskiauto=small+city+car
? &iliterenac=or+SUV
? &pritomemijebitna=...and+important+to+me+is
: &dizajn=design
! &toje=it+is
... &mojizbor=my+choice
, &mojaodluka=my+decision
! &prikaziponovno=replay
ahp examples - collection